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15 Sample Sentence Search Results For "wehenchiopank"

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English:Some of them went east.
Lenape:Alënte eyok wehènchiopànk.
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English:Some of them went east.
Lenape:Alënte wehènchiopànk eyok.
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English:I go farther to the east.
Lenape:Ikalìchi wehènchiopànk nta.
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English:Toward the east there is a little town called Grove.
Lenape:Ikali wehènchiopànk hate utènetët luwènsik Grove.
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English:Long ago when the Delawares lived in the east.
Lenape:Lòmëwe ènta yuki Lënapeyunkahke wikhatihtit wehènchiopànk.
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English:They stopped in the east.
Lenape:Nahkihëleyok wehènchiopànk.
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English:I saw the ocean when I went to the east.
Lenape:Nem kitahikàn ènta ika a wehènchiopànk.
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English:Let's go to the east.
Lenape:Wehènchiopànk atàm.
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English:You go to the east.
Lenape:Wehènchiopànk kta.
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English:The road goes to the east.
Lenape:Wehènchiopànk lakèxën.
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English:They all went east together.
Lenape:Wehènchiopànk lìltin.
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English:He looked to the east.
Lenape:Wehènchiopànk linkwèxin.
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English:They once lived in the east.
Lenape:Wehikihtit wèhènchiopànk.
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English:Many went to the east.
Lenape:Xaheli eyok wehènchiopànk.
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English:Many went to the east.
Lenape:Xaheli wehènchiopànk eyok..