Lenape Tribe Seal

Lenape Talking Dictionary

By English WORD or PHRASE

By Lenape WORD or PHRASE

16 Sample Sentence Search Results For "teme"

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English:Do not break off the icicle.
Lenape:Këchi tëmënawën në nushhùkòn.
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English:He is afraid of those wolves.
Lenape:Kòxao nèl tëmeyo.
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English:We are afraid of those wolves.
Lenape:Kòxawënanàk nèki tëmeyok.
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English:One winter the big wolf said, 'I am already cold.'
Lenape:Kwëti luwàn na xinkwtëme luwè, 'Mèchi ta ni ntahkochi.'
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English:Our councilmen accepted a bloody wampum belt.
Lenape:Lëpweìnuyëmënanàk pwètëmëneyo mhukhòsik kèkwi këlamapisun.
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English:That is the reason these dogs and wolves fear each other.
Lenape:Nal në wënchi yuki mwekaneyok òk tëmeyok xwëntuwàk.
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English:Go get the purse.
Lenape:Natëmën në mënutès.
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English:I left Oklahoma.
Lenape:Nëkahtëmën Oklahoma.
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English:Those wolves came.
Lenape:Nèk tëmeyok peyok.
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English:He saw the big wolf sticking his head in the door.
Lenape:Neyo na xinkwtëme pe sakhùkwet skontink.
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English:I have a tomato
Lenape:Nulhatu tëmètos.
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English:Those wolves are cold.
Lenape:Takòchuwàk nèki tëmeyok.
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English:That man is missing a finger or hand.
Lenape:Tëmëlënche na lënu.
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English:Maybe it is what they eat that cleans their teeth.
Lenape:Wèchi èt kèku ènta mitsihtit pilituneyo nèl wipitëmëwo.
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English:Suddenly a wolf came.
Lenape:Wixkaochi tëme pe.
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English:These dogs and wolves were friends a long time ago.
Lenape:Yuki mwekaneyok òk tëmeyok witisëwàk lòmëwe.