Lenape Tribe Seal

Lenape Talking Dictionary

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45 Sample Sentence Search Results For "pushis"

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English:Whose cat is that?
Lenape:Awèni hèch na pushis?
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English:Whose cats are those?
Lenape:Awènikii hèch nèk pushisàk?
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English:That cat is wild.
Lenape:Awsu na pushis.
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English:The black cat is asleep.
Lenape:Kawi na sëksit pushis.
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English:The black cat is asleep.
Lenape:Kawi na sëksit pushis.
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English:Do you also own a cat?
Lenape:Kèpe hèch kulhala pushis?
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English:He is not quick like other cats.
Lenape:Ku alàpihële alàshi pili pushisàk.
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English:Six cats.
Lenape:Kwëtash pushisàk.
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English:Give me one cat.
Lenape:Mili kwëti pushis.
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English:I stuck my finger in my cat's mouth.
Lenape:Mpënchtunèna mpushisëm.
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English:He gave him my cat.
Lenape:Mpushisëma mwilao.
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English:He gave my cat to him.
Lenape:Mpushisëm mwilao,
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English:Go get those cats.
Lenape:Nal nèk pushisàk.
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English:The child caught the cat.
Lenape:Na mimëns tòhonao nèl pushisa.
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English:The cat follows him.
Lenape:Naolao na pushis.
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English:The mouse was afraid of the cat.
Lenape:Na pukwès kòxao nèl pushisa.
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English:The cat does not like to eat peaches.
Lenape:Na pushis ku winkòme pilkësha.
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English:The cat looked for the mouse.
Lenape:Na pushis nòtunaoo nèl pukwèsa.
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English:That cat is black.
Lenape:Na pushis sëksu.
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English:The cat carries the kitten in her mouth.
Lenape:Na pushis tëntamao nèl pushitëta.
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English:I am looking for a cat.
Lenape:Natunao pushis.
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English:That is my cat.
Lenape:Ni na mpushisëm.
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English:I hate cats.
Lenape:Nshinkalaok pushisàk.
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English:That cat is slow.
Lenape:Ohtamsu na pushis.
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English:Is that cat white?
Lenape:Opsu hèch na pushis?
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English:That cat is white.
Lenape:Opsu na pushis.
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English:The cat is sleeping on his back.
Lenape:Osatèxin na pushis ènta kawit.
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English:Leave that cat alone.
Lenape:Puniw na pushis.
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English:I like cats.
Lenape:Pushisàk nëwinkala.
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English:He gave him a cat.
Lenape:Pushisa mwilao.
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English:He gave the cat to him.
Lenape:Pushisa mwilao.
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English:Do you have a cat?
Lenape:Pushis hèch kulhala?
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English:A cat is washing his face.
Lenape:Pushis ksinkwe.
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English:A cat is sitting on the porch.
Lenape:Pushis lëmatahpu alëwikaonink.
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English:The cat has black fur.
Lenape:Sëkixèkëne na pushis.
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English:That cat is black.
Lenape:Sëksu na pushis.
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English:Those cats are black.
Lenape:Sëksuwàk nèki pushisàk.
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English:These cats are black.
Lenape:Sëksuwàk yuki pushisàk.
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English:This cat is black.
Lenape:Sëksu wa pushis.
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English:This cat is black.
Lenape:Sëksu wa pushis.
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English:The cat is lying down.
Lenape:Shenkixin na pushis.
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English:The cat dislikes water.
Lenape:Shinkpie na pushis.
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English:That cat is very cold.
Lenape:Sòmi tahkòchu na pushis.
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English:The cat has pretty fur.
Lenape:Wëlixekëne na pushis.
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English:The cat likes water.
Lenape:Winkpie na pushis.