Lenape Tribe Seal

Lenape Talking Dictionary

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83 Sample Sentence Search Results For "mwekane"

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English:Hold (restrain) that dog.
Lenape:Ahkènëm na mwekane.
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English:That dog has fleas.
Lenape:Ahpikwsu na mwekane.
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English:That dog is dangerous.
Lenape:Chìpilësu na mwekane.
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English:David has one dog.
Lenape:David wëlahële kwëti mwekaneyo.
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English:There is the dog that bit me.
Lenape:E na mwekane ntahëmùkw.
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English:Do not abuse a pitiful dog.
Lenape:Kàchi mësi lihao kètëmaksit mwekane.
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English:What is it the Delawares call that little dog?
Lenape:Kèku èt ta wàni Lënape èluwihëlat tànktitit mwekane?
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English:What are your thoughts about these dogs?
Lenape:Kèku hàch ki ktëlelëmaok yuki mwekaneyok?
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English:What is the matter with that dog?; What is that dog doing?
Lenape:Kèku hàch lësu na mwekane?
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English:What did that dog say?
Lenape:Kèku hàch na mwekane luwe?
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English:He has one dog.
Lenape:Kwëti mwekaneyo wëlahële.
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English:Yesterday a little dog came.
Lenape:Lòkëwe mwekanetët pètu.
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English:Long ago my late father had a dog named He-Found-It.
Lenape:Lòmëwe mah naka nuxò wëlahële mwekaneyo luwènsu Mòxkàmën.
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English:I heard a long time ago that these dogs can speak Delaware.
Lenape:Lòmwe nochi mpihpëntàmen yuki mwekaneyok kàski alënixsuwàk.
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English:It is said that if a dog eats grass he is sick.
Lenape:Luwe hùnt palsu na mwekane ènta mitsit skiko.
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English:The dogs are barking.
Lenape:Mëkikeyok nèki mwekaneyok.
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English:The dogs barked together.
Lenape:Mëkikhatuwàk nèki mwekaneyok.
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English:Give him the dog.
Lenape:Mil nèl mwekaneyo.
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English:I brought the puppy.
Lenape:Mpèshëwa na mwekanetët.
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English:A dog went to the doghouse.
Lenape:Mwekane è mwekaneikaonink.
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English:He went to the doghouse.
Lenape:Mwekaneikaonink è.
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English:I went to a doghouse.
Lenape:Mwekaneikaonink nta.
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English:A dog came a while ago.
Lenape:Mwekane mah wèski pè.
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English:Then the dog turned around and he looked at me.
Lenape:Na kwëlpihëla na mwekane, mpënakw.
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English:The man did not feed his dog.
Lenape:Na lënu mata tòxmao nèl mwekaneyëma.
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English:The man fed the dog.
Lenape:Na lënu tòxàmao nèl mwekaneyo.
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English:Go get that dog.
Lenape:Nal na mwekane.
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English:That is the reason these dogs and wolves fear each other.
Lenape:Nal në wënchi yuki mwekaneyok òk tëmeyok xwëntuwàk.
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English:The child said, 'Oh, that little dog is cute.'
Lenape:Na mimëns luwe, 'E, ninkëminakwtitit na mwekane.'
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English:The dog does not like to eat sapan (corn gruel).
Lenape:Na mwekane ku winkatàmu sapan.
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English:The dog did not hear the bird when he sang.
Lenape:Na mwekane mata pwëntao nèl chulënsa ènta asuwit.
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English:That dog bit me.
Lenape:Na mwekane ntahëmùkw.
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English:The dog dug a hole in the yard.
Lenape:Na mwekane òlhe lamamenxke.
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English:The dog walked behind the wagon.
Lenape:Na mwekane pëmëske wtenk në tëchehëlasink.
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English:The dog heard the hoe when it fell over.
Lenape:Na mwekane pwëntàmën në kwipëlënay ènta amwihëlèk.
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English:The dog heard the bird when he sang.
Lenape:Na mwekane pwëntaoo nèl chulënsa ènta asuwit.
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English:The dog is lying under the table.
Lenape:Na mwekane shenkixin èkwi èhèntalipwinkink.
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English:The puppy plays.
Lenape:Na mwekanetët papu.
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English:That little dog came.
Lenape:Na mwekanetët pe.
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English:The puppy is playing with the kitten.
Lenape:Na mwekanetët pòpihao nèl pushitëta.
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English:The puppy plays with the kitten.
Lenape:Na mwekanetët pòpihao nèl pushitëta.
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English:The dog bit the man.
Lenape:Na mwekane tòhomao nèl lënuwa.
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English:The dog sat up well.
Lenape:Na mwekane wëlàpihële.
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English:The dog likes to eat sapan.
Lenape:Na mwekane winkitàm sapan
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English:The white dog.
Lenape:Na òpsit mwekane.
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English:That white dog came.
Lenape:Na òpsit mwekane pe.
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English:The boy took the dog a long way off.
Lenape:Na pilaèchëch òhëlëmi tëluxòlao nèl mwekaneyo.
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English:That little dog came.
Lenape:Na tànktitit mwekane pe.
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English:That dog licked me.
Lenape:Nchiskamùkw na mwekane.
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English:I left this dog.
Lenape:Nëkala wa mwekane.
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English:Those dogs were all scared.
Lenape:Nèki mwekaneyok wishas'hatuwàk.
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English:I bought a dog.
Lenape:Nëmahëla mwekane.
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English:I scared the dog.
Lenape:Nëwishala na mwekane.
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English:The dog scared me.
Lenape:Nëwishalùkw na mwekane.
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English:The dog is there in front of the tree.
Lenape:Nikani na hìtkunk na mwekane tòpin.
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English:Two dogs.
Lenape:Nisha mwekaneyok.
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English:I myself really hold dogs in high regard.
Lenape:Ni ta ni nëmàxinkwelëma wàni mwekane.
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English:I locked up the dog.
Lenape:Nkëpho na mwekane.
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English:I walked silently but the dog growled, he must have heard me.
Lenape:Nkimuwe shek na mwekane lùkwixin, mpëntakw èt.
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English:I hate dogs.
Lenape:Nshinkala mwekaneyok.
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English:That dog bit me.
Lenape:Ntahëmùkw na mwekane.
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English:I have a dog.
Lenape:Nulhala mwekane.
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English:I have two dogs.
Lenape:Nulhala nisha mwekaneyok.
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English:That dog is white.
Lenape:Opsu na mwekane.
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English:These dogs have good teeth.
Lenape:Owëlanikeyok yuki mwekaneyok.
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English:Oh, that little dog was glad.
Lenape:O, wëlelìntàm na mwekanetët.
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English:That dog is tracking.
Lenape:Pènhalike na mwekane.
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English:Leave the dog alone.
Lenape:Puniw na mwekane.
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English:That dog has black spots.
Lenape:Sësëkisàpsu na mwekane.
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English:That dog is starving.
Lenape:Shaolamu na mwekane,
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English:The dog is tame.
Lenape:Tkawsu na mwekane.
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English:He pushed the dog over.
Lenape:Tòmanihina nèl mwekaneyo.
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English:The dog likes to sleep.
Lenape:Wehinki kawi na mwekane.
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English:The dog howled when the bird sang.
Lenape:Wehul na mwekane ènta na chulëns asuwit.
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English:That ugly dog is howling.
Lenape:Wehul na xahinakwsit mwekane.
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English:The dog likes to sleep.
Lenape:Winkunkòm na mwekane.
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English:The dog is wrapped up (in something).
Lenape:Wixkwèpisu na mwekane.
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English:Dogs definitely know many things.
Lenape:Xaheli ta wa mwekane uwatun kèku.
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English:That doghouse is ugly.
Lenape:Xahinakòt në mwekaneikaon.
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English:That dog is ugly.
Lenape:Xahinakwsu na mwekane.
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English:Feed the dog.
Lenape:Xàm na mwekane.
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English:A big dog.
Lenape:Xinkwi mwekane.
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English:These dogs and wolves were friends a long time ago.
Lenape:Yuki mwekaneyok òk tëmeyok witisëwàk lòmëwe.