Lenape Tribe Seal

Lenape Talking Dictionary

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13 Sample Sentence Search Results For "maxke"

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English:I couldn't find where you were.
Lenape:Ku nëmàxkëmuwën èpia.
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English:I couldn't find where you were.
Lenape:Ku nëmàxkëmuwën èpiàn.
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English:The mud is red.
Lenape:Màxke në sisku.
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English:That house is red.
Lenape:Màxke në wikëwam.
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English:The meat is red.
Lenape:Màxke në wiyus.
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English:His arrow is red.
Lenape:màxke wip.
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English:The leaves are beginning to be red and yellow because it is already Autumn.
Lenape:Nèl këmpahko alëmi màxkeyo òk wisaeyo èli mèchi tahkokën.
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English:The leaves are yellow and red.
Lenape:Nèl këmpahko wisaeyo òk màxkeyo.
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English:That large house is red.
Lenape:Në xinkwèk wikëwam màxke.
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English:That large house is red.
Lenape:Në xinkwi wikëwam màxkèk.
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English:I want to eat some gravy.
Lenape:Nkatutàm ehëmàxkenk.
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English:I own a large red house.
Lenape:Nulhatu xinkwi màxkèk wikëwam.
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English:That big red house is ugly.
Lenape:Xahinakòt në xinkwi màxkèk wikëwam.