Lenape Tribe Seal

Lenape Talking Dictionary

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37 Sample Sentence Search Results For "ahtu"

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English:He is very, very hungry.
Lenape:Ahi kahtupu.
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English:I go to Deer Creek.
Lenape:Ahtuhwi Sipunk nta.
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English:deer meat; venison (see also ahtuhweyok)
Lenape:ahtuhwi wiyus
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English:He used a bow when he killed a deer.
Lenape:Hatapi nhakala ènta nhilat ahtu.
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English:Are they hungry?
Lenape:Kahtupuwàk hàch?
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English:Deer can run fast.
Lenape:Kàski kshamehëleyok ahtuhok.
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English:Do to want to go see the dead deer?
Lenape:Kata hàch may neyo naka ahtuho?
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English:What do you want me to do, bring you a deer?
Lenape:Kèku hàch a ntëlsi, kpètul hàch ahtu?
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English:We ourselves are full and they are hungry.
Lenape:Kiluna kispwihëna nèkao nèk kahtupuwàk.
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English:They finished standing the cupboard up.
Lenape:Kìshi wënipahtuneyo nëni tèxtakàn.
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English:The Cherokees live in the big mountains.
Lenape:Kitahtënink wikuwàk nèk Kahtuhook.
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English:That deer runs fast.
Lenape:Kshamehële na ahtu.
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English:He said, 'Certainly! Not long ago I killed a deer.'
Lenape:Luwe, 'Ahìkta! Chinke nhila ahtuho.'
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English:On the other hand it is said a person is hungry,
Lenape:Luwe hùnt awèn ashìte kahtupu.
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English:Take this food home.
Lenape:Machahtu yu mehëmichink.
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English:Are they all mad? or Are they all angry?
Lenape:Manunksahtuwàk hèch?
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English:He already went home because he was sleepy.
Lenape:Mèchi machi èli kahtunkòm.
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English:He already went home because he was very sleepy.
Lenape:Mèchi machi èli sòmi kahtunkòm.
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English:Give me a frybread and give this woman two frybreads, she is hungry.
Lenape:Mili salàpòn òk mil wa xkwe nisha salàpòna, kahtupu.
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English:The man killed the deer.
Lenape:Na lënu wënihëlao nèl ahtuho.
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English:The boy wants to eat some pie.
Lenape:Na pilaechëch kahtutàm pai.
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English:We will look for some deer.
Lenape:Natunawënanàk ahtuhuk.
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English:Then when Jim called me he said it was thundering and raining hard.
Lenape:Na wa Jim ènta ahtumit luwe pèthakhòn òk kshilan.
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English:He carries the deer on his shoulder.
Lenape:Nayumao nèl ahtuhò.
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English:Those deer came.
Lenape:Nèk ahtuhuk peyok.
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English:My older sister is hungry, give her some food.
Lenape:Nëmis kahtupu, mil mehëmichink.
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English:I grabbed a broom.
Lenape:nëwèchilahtu chikhikàn.
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English:I grabbed a broom.
Lenape:Nëwèchilahtu chikhikàn.
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English:I grabbed it quickly because it was falling.
Lenape:Nëwèchilahtu èli alëmi pënihëlèk.
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English:I will try out the bravery of the Munsee warrior.
Lenape:Nkwëchilahtunch ilawakàn na ilai Monsi.
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English:He left his home.
Lenape:Nòkahtun wikit
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English:I am very sleepy.
Lenape:Ntahi kahtunkòm.
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English:I think he is hungry.
Lenape:Ntite kahtupu.
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English:He brought them a deer.
Lenape:Pèshëwao ahtuhu.
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English:He is very hungry.
Lenape:Sòmi kahtupu.
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English:He killed the deer when he shot him.
Lenape:Wënihëlao nèl ahtuho ènta pòyàxkhòt.
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English:He likes to eat deer's tongue.
Lenape:Winkitàm ahtuhwi wilanu.