Lenape Tribe Seal

Lenape Talking Dictionary

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24 Sample Sentence Search Results For "ahpon"

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English:They all gave each other some bread.
Lenape:Ahpon miltin.
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English:Bread and meat.
Lenape:Ahpon òk wiyus.
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English:Do you want some bread?
Lenape:Katatàm hèch ahpòn?
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English:I gave you some bread yesterday.
Lenape:Këmilël ahpòn lòkëwe.
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English:Please give me some bread.
Lenape:Ksi mili ahpon.
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English:I don't have any bread, whiteman's bread (light bread)
Lenape:Ku nulhatu ahpòn, shëwanàhkwi ahpòn.
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English:Do you want some more bread?
Lenape:Kwiakwi hèch ahpòn?
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English:I am going to the store because I need bread.
Lenape:Mèmhalamùntikaonink nta èli ahpòn nakatàm.
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English:Give me some bread.
Lenape:Mili ahpòn.
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English:Give me the bread.
Lenape:Mili në ahpòn.
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English:Give Helen the bread.
Lenape:Mil na Helen në ahpòn.
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English:Give Mike some bread.
Lenape:Mil na Mike ahpòn.
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English:I like the taste of that bread.
Lenape:Nëwinkitàmën në ahpon.
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English:I like the taste of this bread.
Lenape:Nëwinkitàmën yu ahpòn.
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English:My mother said, 'This bread tastes good.'
Lenape:Nkahès luwe, 'Winkàn yu ahpon.'
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English:I have some bread.
Lenape:Nulhatu ahpòn.
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English:This bread tastes good.
Lenape:Winkàn yu ahpon.
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English:This bread tastes good, mother.
Lenape:Winkàn yu ahpon, Ana.
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English:Meat, bread, and water.
Lenape:Wiyus, ahpon, òk mpi.
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English:I will give you meat and bread.
Lenape:Wiyus òk ahpon këmilël.
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English:Meat and bread and water.
Lenape:Wiyus òk ahpon òk mpi.
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English:Feed me some bread.
Lenape:Xami ahpon.
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English:Feed me some meat and bread.
Lenape:Xami wiyus òk ahpon,
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English:I will need to make bread so I can eat bread.
Lenape:Xu kënch ahponhea xu nkàski michi ahpon.