Lenape Tribe Seal

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21 Sample Sentence Search Results For "corn"

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English:Feed me some steam-fried meat and corn.
Lenape:Xami salàsikàn òk xàskwim.
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English:He plants corn.
Lenape:Xàskwim hakihe.
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English:I alternate corn and beans.
Lenape:Xaskwim ntaxkomi òk malàxkwsita. {DN}
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English:I guess the people used a corn pounder.
Lenape:Weitët èt kohòkàn nhakatàm awènik.
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English:I helped when they all ground corn.
Lenape:Nëwichinke ènta kohòkhatink.
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English:I helped when they pounded corn.
Lenape:Nëwichinke ènta kohokhatink.
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English:I raised a lot of corn.
Lenape:Nkishikënëm xeli xàskwim.
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English:I want some boiled corn.
Lenape:Nkatatàm wënsasik xàskwim.
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English:Lie down in the corner.
Lenape:Puchèk shenkixi.
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English:Pass the corn.
Lenape:Wëtahlëni në xàskwim.
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English:Potatoes and corn and onions are everything I can buy.
Lenape:Hopënisàk òk xàskwim òk ulepënàk wèmi kèku nkàski ayëm.
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English:That strong horse is eating corn.
Lenape:Na chitanësit nehënaonkès michu xàskwim.
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English:The corn is already tasseling.
Lenape:Mèchi na xaskwim sëwali.
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English:The dog does not like to eat sapan (corn gruel).
Lenape:Na mwekane ku winkatàmu sapan.
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English:There is someone else who is gathering acorns.
Lenape:Shè òk na pili awèn pè ònàxkwimhèt
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English:Turkeys eat corn.
Lenape:Chikënëmuk michuwàk xàskwim.
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English:We want some corn.
Lenape:Nkatatàmuhëna xàskwim.
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English:We will give them corn and women to help them plant it.
Lenape:Milawëna xàskwim òk xkweyok wichëmëkuk tìli hàkihèneyo
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English:We will give you some corn.
Lenape:(Kë)milëlhumo xàskwim
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English:When you go back I will give you some corn.
Lenape:Xu ktëkiane xu këmil xàskwim.
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English:You eat corn.
Lenape:Xàskwim këmichi.